Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Sunday Minis

Our cute little minis are keeping us on our toes. Sienna used to be content crawling around the family room but now she is starting to explore the house. I'm constantly walking around making sure there are no choking hazards. Who needs a Roomba when you two babies to clean up the crumbs off the floor. :)  Tag can crawl but only goes backwards. They are so cute to watch. James, Lynnlee and Kaden are so entertained by them. Lynnlee and James are their babysitters and tells me where they are and if they are getting into trouble or somewhere they shouldn't be.

Sienna is becoming vocal and says "dada" and tonight Taggart started saying "mama." It's so cute!
It's getting harder to get a picture because they don't want to sit still for very long.

I'm not sure what he's doing but while Sienna was crawling away this was his pose.

Taggart had his two bottom teeth come up this week. Sienna's came in a few weeks ago and are really visible now. 
They are sick again but seem to be handling it better this time around thank goodness!