Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Easter '15

The Easter Bunny comes to our house on Saturday every year. It is just how we like to do it. So Saturday morning everyone waited patiently until they could go downstairs and find their Easter baskets and go on an Easter egg hung through the house.

That afternoon we went to my parent's house for more Easter fun. The minis stayed inside while the rest of the cousins went outside for an Easter egg hunt.

We went to Lehi's Easter egg hunt the week before. I was dreading it because usually it involves way too many kids, not enough eggs and parents shoveling eggs into their kids' baskets when the kids don't care or aren't even old enough. There were some crazy parents but luckily there were still plenty of eggs and the kids were spread out enough that no one got trampled.

I prepped everyone before hand and told them they might only get one egg and that they needed to be happy after, no matter how many eggs they got.

We never got around to coloring Easter eggs this year. I felt bad at first but then my kids didn't even notice or care so I can let the mom guilt go.