Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Sunday Minis

It was really hard to get some good pictures this week because I got an ear infection Saturday night which made Sunday a really hard day. I've had a cold and sinus infection the past week and I didn't expect it to go to my ears. I wasn't feeling up to taking pictures but got just a few.

Sienna can pull herself up to standing now. I started putting up a gate so they have to stay in the family room and it makes them both so mad. They crawl over to the gate and cry. They will get used to it because this is how it will have to be now with two busy babies. Taggart can now crawl forwards! It's great except now I have two babies getting into things.

Her smile looks all innocent but she is fast as a cheetah and and likes to get into everything.

Taggart is on the loose. He is a little more stealth like and sneaky.

Can I just say how hard it is to take care of kids when you are sick?! I can't wait until the ringing in my ear goes away and I can hear our of my left ear again. It definitely makes me appreciate good health!