Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Boxes and Towers

Here are some fun and random pictures. It's funny when new boxes become the best toy around.

I try to entertain Kaden while James and Lynnlee are at school. It is not always easy with his short attention span. These blocks lasted awhile though. We built this tower and Kaden was so excited to knock it down. The best part is that after I took this picture Sienna bumped it and knocked it over before Kaden could.

Sienna's new favorite place is the bottom step. She sits on it, rests her right arm, and swings her legs. It's the cutest!

We love this warm weather and Sienna loved trying out this toy.

I use this chair as a gate to block the minis in the family room. They don't like it much and usually crawl over to it and stand here making sad, puppy eyes.

Everyone wants to wear glasses now that Lynnlee wears them. We found Marshall's old pair of glasses and Kaden and James like to take turns putting them on.

Every night after dinner this week we have been going outside. The minis swing while the rest of us play.

Marshall took this one on the trampoline. I sure love all my kiddos. I am one blessed mama!