Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Sunday Minis

We were in Heber/Midway over the weekend and I completely forgot to take pictures of the minis on Sunday. I finally remembered on Tuesday when they were officially nine months old.
Sienna is crawling all over the house. She is hard to keep track of. One day I accidentally left the door to the basement open. I ran upstairs to change the laundry and Kaden was with the minis in the family room.  A minute later I heard Kaen yelling for my help. When I came down I found him holding on to Sienna at the top of the stairs, keeping her from falling down. He is a huge help and I'm so glad he pays so much attention to the minis.
Taggart still can only crawl backwards and it makes him frustrated. He does like to stand and prefers that most. Then once he gets tired he is happy to sit and play with toys.

Sienna kept crawling away every time I tried to take a picture of her and Taggart. Then Lynnlee sat by Sienna to help her stay put. Lynnlee still loves the minis but especially loves Sienna.