Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Last Day of School

I love the last day of school! It is so exciting to change it up and why not celebrate and set the day apart from all the other days.

Lynnlee had the best kindergarten teacher! We will definitely miss Ms. Dean!
I wish I would have gotten a picture with James and his teacher because she was also amazing and made learning so fun.

We had a neighborhood ice cream social at our house when school got out. All the moms chipped in bringing cones and different flavors of ice cream. The kids loved it and had a few cones each. Then they all ran around and played.

The minis love sneaking over to our neighbor's porch because they love sitting on their cute, little bench.

That afternoon we had a water balloon fight with friends.

Lynnlee and James had friends over for a late night and we had pizza and watched a movie. The whole day was so fun and couldn't have been any better!
So excited for summer!!!