Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Mother's Day '17

There are so many moments that I compare how my relationship with my kids is like my Heavenly Father's relationship with me. For example, all the times when my kids don't listen to me and I think about all the times I may not be listening to the spirit or times when I put my own will before the will the Lord has for me. He must feel the same way I feel, Why aren't you listening to me!? :)
I also love to think of different analogies with daily events and the gospel. Like the other day I was thinking about all the maintenance for your car and upgrades to regular maintenance. You have standard oil changes but then you have premium oil changes with all sorts of exrtas. I compared that to daily spiritual maintenance. You can do the basic package which might include reading scriptures and saying prayers. Like a basic oil change, your car works and runs. I think about the days I take time to listen to conference talks, read RS lessons or Sunday school lessons, etc. Then I love thinking about what I've read and it really boosts my day. This would be like doing more for your car and having it run even better.
I'm grateful for Mother's Day and the love I felt from my kids and Marshall. James and Lynnlee were so excited to give me their presents they made at school. James misplaced them the day he brought them home and he came home crying. It was very touching that he would care so much about something not even for himself. Luckily he found it and I could see how much work went into it and why it meant a lot to him.
If Sundays weren't so crazy I would get a picture of my kids each week. Kudos to the moms out there that can do that. Luckily for us we at least manage a picture on most holidays. Thanks Marshall for the great pictures!