Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Minis' 3rd Birthday

It was a fun week of birthdays when we got back from Florida. Aunt Pat surprised the minis and Kaden with a fun birthday party at my house on Wednesday.

Thursday was the July birthday party at the Provo pool. It was a fun party!

Friday was their actual birthday and started off with presents in bed. There are somethings with boy/girl twins that are tricky. Like which room do you gather in? Since Sienna woke up first we all went in to Taggart's to wake him up.

The got letter shaped pancakes for breakfast.

Side note: they had well child checks a few days after and here are their stats:
Taggart: Height 35.5" (9%) Weight 27.5 lbs. (11%) Head 15.5cm (32%)
Sienna: Height 38.25" (83%) Weight 32.25 lbs. (66%) Head 15.3cm (35%)

We went to Coconut Cove with cousins that morning. It is a really fun indoor playground. It reminds me of Discovery Zone that was around when I was a kid.

Here is my Pinterest fail. I decided to try something different for the minis' birthday dessert. I followed the directions on the box and filled the cones too full. I decided not to frost them because I didn't think it was worth it. I didn't think they were baked all the way through. Turns out they were baked perfectly and we ate them just like that. Probably better this way because if there is frosting on something that is all the minis eat.