Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Marshall's Birthday

We split Marshall's birthday celebrations into two days. We went out to eat at the Peanut Place aka Texas Roadhouse. Marshall and I were both under the weather and had no appetites which is unfortunate when you are at a place with such yummy food. Marshall was a good sport and rode the birthday saddle for the kids.

The kids have been earning nickels each night during scriptures and prayer. So after dinner we went to Nickel City. 

Watch out Papa Kelly, Taggart is going to beat your high score pretty soon and he is also left handed. 

 On Marshall's birthday morning we had an early breakfast before he went to work.

He was still feeling under the weather when he got home from work that night. He has been sick for about six weeks. He went into the doctor after four weeks but didn't have much relief with the prescribed antibiotic. We took him to the doctor after we had birthday dinner. The doctor diagnosed him with atypical bronchitis and he got a better antibiotic and other medicine to give him some relief. We spent some time playing with toys at Walgreens and waiting for the medicine. Then everyone went to bed early. Not quite how he planned to spend his birthday.