Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Neighborhood Food Drive

Five years ago my neighborhood held a food drive in place of neighborhood gifts. In November I decided I wanted to make it happen again. My aunt Pat helped me write a poem for the flyer. I posted it at the beginning of November so everyone could plan ahead. Then we took flyers around the weekend before.

 I made three batches of cookie dough and we had over 100 cookies. I wasn't sure how many to plan for and I wanted to be prepared. I also had two large jugs of hot water, Stephen's hot cocoa powder and mini marshmallows. We had lots left over but at least we had plenty.

My neighbor Lindsay let us gather around her fire pit. Some people dropped food off and had to leave, others stayed and visited. It was a really fun night.
Lindsay kept the back door of her car open for people to put their food donations in. Then she took it to the food bank. We donated 240 lbs of food!