Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Lynnlee's Book Club

Lynnlee's book club inspired me to teach painting. I watched the painter at Lynnlee's birthday party and then went to a paint night. I felt like if I picked a basic painting then I could teach the girls. I found a website with a basic unicorn painting, video instructions and written instructions. The books Lynnlee chose were Phoebe and Her Unicorn so it was perfect! Marshall and Lynnlee helped me trace the unicorn shape on every canvas to make it simpler for the girls.
The night before Marshall did a demo and explained the steps. He's the expert so it was very helpful to have a practice run with him. The one on the left is the one I painted the night before. The one on the right is the one I painted with the girls.

It was a very fun group. They took their time and worked hard. They had fun chatting at times and other times were super focused.

They each could choose their back ground color and hair colors.

It went really well! Such a fun group!