Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



A lot of twin moms have told me that twins get easier around age 5. That has not been the case with Taggart and Sienna. They have moments of destruction. Kaden can do crazy things with them too so then I feel like I have triplets that are trying to drive me to the mental hospital. This picture shows one of those times. I gave the minis some flash cards. Then I started making dinner. They kept wanting more flash cards so I thought they were really doing some great studying. Ha ha, too good to be true! They were scattering them through the whole room.

Lynnlee and her cousin gave Sienna makeover. They put every bow we have in her hair. This is quite the feat because Sienna doesn't have that much hair. The other crazy thing about this picture is how much Sienna's face looks like Kaden's.

Sienna is a few inches taller than Taggart. This picture is one of those optical illusions where she looks like his older sister. Whenever I glance at this picture I think it's Lynnlee.

We went shopping for some bermuda shorts and we couldn't find any. So they tried on hats instead.

James needed to make dinner for a cub scout requirement. He made creamy dill salmon on the smoker, risotto, cucumbers and watermelon. It was delicious. It also started a new weekly activity of each kid taking a night to plan and help with dinner. Lynnlee and James are the best at this and it has been a good thing. Kaden and the minis haven't quite embraced this yet and a lot of nights they are too busy playing with friends to help.