Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


New Years

New Year's Eve and New Year's were spent in Heber/Midway. We spent a few hours at the pool on Tuesday. The wibit wasn't out in the kid pool but these cool lily pads were floating all around. They weren't connected to anything so you could play on them throughout the pool. My kids had way more fun with them than they do on the wibit.

 Lynnlee and I watched Anne of Green Gables after swimming. I haven't seen it since I was younger. 
We had an early toast before the minis went to bed. Then we watched the Fighting Preacher. I loved the movie and have thought about it a lot. So many amazing, stalwart members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was thinking about how much we blame God for negative things in our life. Why don't we ever blame Satan? He is like the culprit that always gets away with so much. Heavenly Father is the innocent child that we blame and punish. When we don't turn to him for help, love, peace, and support we are really just punishing ourselves. So this year I'm going to love more and find hope and peace in my Savior. He delivers me from my doubts and fears. I have come to know him and his plan through the Book of Mormon. I know it's going to be a spiritual feast studying the Book of Mormon for Come Follow Me. It's going to be a great year!
Ivy's family has been in town so we've been able to spend some time with her. She has the bluest eyes and bright blonde hair so she fits right in. She loves the music from Coco and starts dancing every time she hears it.

Some of Marshall's family came to Midway. New Year's Day was full of pickle ball and then we finished off at the hot pots. Good times!