Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



We went sledding during Christmas break. It was a lot of fun because everyone is independent. The only issues came from difficulty sharing the two "good" sleds. We had plenty of sleds but only two of a certain kind and they were fought over quite a bit but we worked out a system and then it got better.

I think back to when I took them sledding when they were much younger and I wonder how I did it. I remember going when Kaden was baby to a smaller park but James and Lynnlee needed a lot of help and Kaden was in a car seat. I remember another time taking all five to a park in American Fork when the minis were 3-years-old. They needed help up the hill every time. Some how we all had fun and I had the energy for it all. Today I was thinking back to different mothering moments where I was stretched thin but yet I was able to keep up. I have been studying about the power of the priesthood, blessings from temple service and blessings from keeping covenants. I feel like as I was thinking about how I've made it through that it came to me that it was blessings from the covenants I've made and blessings of the priesthood.

When President Nelson asked the sisters in the general women's meeting to become more familiar with the priesthood, D&C 25, 84 and 107 I put it on my to do list but it wasn't a high priority. Then when my mom told me about the Inklings study group I happily joined along so I could have help and motivation to study what the prophet asked. It has changed my life. Each week I get a little nugget of understanding and learning. In November we had a study group and went over a list power we are given through the priesthood: power to endure, power to deal with obstacles and burdens, power to overcome temptation, power to thwart evil, power to receive revelation, ministering of angels, power to commune with God, protected, enlightened and strengthened, power to see clearly and discern between truth and evil. and power to protect and strengthen my family. Who wouldn't want all of these promises in their lives?!
So when I look back to all of the hard things we've gone through, times when I was exhausted, and doing more than I possibly could handle and I know I have received blessings to get me through. I'm so grateful to have the gospel in my life!