Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Home Centered Church Supported

Our first Sunday at home went well. We treated church the same as we would going to the chapel. We had sacrament meeting and primary which included singing time. Everyone got a chance to volunteer in singing time which never happens at regular primary singing time.

I found this on Facebook and I couldn't agree more:

I cannot tell you what a testimony builder this COVID 19 experience has been. Everything our governments are doing is reactive. They are trying to handle the situation as it develops, in varying stages of success.
However, almost everything our church has done has been proactive. Today, the church closed all the temples completely. On the outside, it seemed reactive. However, I see now that the Lord prepared us for this.
Less than one year ago, the church announced that couples no longer have to wait a year to get sealed if they have been married civilly. I just shrugged at the time and thought it was a great policy. However, today I see that the Lord knew the temple closures were coming and He took away the waiting period for couples who had no choice but to get married civilly while the temples were closed.
It solidified my testimony to know that Lord, through our Prophet, is not being reactive. He is being proactive.
*Come Follow Me - giving us time to become familiar with it (even if we are not perfect).
*General Conference - going to be different (even if it wasn't in any way close to our speculations)
*Closing all Temples - but already having a policy in place for couples whose lives are held in limbo!
*Age of witnesses being lowered - baptisms can be witnessed by non-priesthood holders so with 1 priesthood and 2 women, the baptism can still happen.
*Ministering - no longer focusing on visiting people in their homes but, just a general, personal caring connection.
*Online Seminary classes - An amazing tool to have that allow High School kids to continue to learn without having to physically attend class.
*Youth Changes in age - Young Men who were turning 12 this year have already received the priesthood at the beginning of the year instead of after the pandemic (hopefully) ends making them able to pass the sacrament in their homes under the direction of their bishops.
*Also, so grateful for Personal Revelation, Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage always taught by the Church.

I would also like to add:
*The church saves and has savings to make it through tough times.
*"The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives."-Pres. Nelson Wow! This is exactly what we need to help us get through quarantine.
*In the last few years the apostles have been teaching Sabbath Day observance and how we are to spend our sabbath days.
*Come Follow Me is home centered church supported and we have had over a year to prepare for home church.
*The prophet has invited us to seek personal revelation, and hear him. While we are navigating this time of uncertainty we can't go wrong if we are following personal revelation and what the Lord wants us to do individually.

One of my favorite scriptures:
 2 timothy 1:7 chalk - Google Search | Spirit of fear, Verses