Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Kade’s 10th Birthday

Kade is 10!!

This year he decided he likes going by Kade not Kaden. Totally fine with me. I love shortening names. So to celebrate Kade’s birthday we went to Hang Time. It’s a non friend party year but he got to bring his best friend with us.
They jumped and climbed for two hours and then came back that night and jumped another two hours!! So much fun!!
We had birthday dinner at Chuck-A-Rama. A random customer sitting next to us sang to him with her fiancé on FaceTime. That was very unique and memorable. A couple of waitresses also sang to him.
He got a pedal scooter. It’s kind of like an elliptical and you pedal up and down to propel the scooter and have to balance yourself while going. 
Kade is so excited to be double digits and stay up later with the “big kids.” He is doing more big kid things each day. He is kind and funny. He loves making everyone laugh. He also loves to scare me.