Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


December Picture Dump

 It's time for a picture dump. It's too time consuming to have a post for each so they are all included in one.

James was invited to go to do baptisms with his group of friends. I can't say this enough but I love his group of friends. They are all good kids and good influences. He met them playing soccer when he turned 8 and they have become better and better friends since then. They may not play on the top soccer team but what they have is worth more than that.

Hey mom, take a picture of me. Ok!

Chewie is the star of so many pictures. He's like the newborn baby that gets a gazillion pictures taken of him napping.

It's nice to get out of the house for a walk on a Sunday afternoon even when it's really cold!
I guess I was the only one walking. Everyone else was on wheels.
Lynnlee saw these pavalova cookies online and made them. Unfortunately she had to wait for me to help pipe them so the egg mixture started to get a little flat. By the time we piped them they were looking more like melting snowman. Totally my fault and if we do it again we'll know to pipe them immediately after whipping the mixture.
We added an entry way table to help spice things up and to give another place to place Christmas decorations.

Like I said, everyone always wants to take pictures of Chewie. I would say that after having him for two years and then some, it's been fun having a dog. He has calmed down a lot! He's a fun buddy, cute, cuddly, and gets me out walking most nights.