Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Adidas Cup and Lakeside Invitational

Kade plays from Brad who he also played for last year. Then he was asked to double roster for a team that is a year older. The coach is Al who James has had for a coach. We left it up to Kade to decide and he wanted to double roster. Then it happened to be that both teams had a tournament the same weekend. 

Tuesday Kade played his first game of the Adidas tournament. It was a close game but they ended up losing. 

Thursday he had a game around lunch time at the Adidas tournament. The game was close for most of it and then his team just fell apart. His coach Brad yelled at the team excessively and unnecessarily. It was crazy. The coach wouldn't even talk to the boys after the games Tuesday and Thursday. It was pretty ridiculous. These are 12-year-old boys and this year they move from a 9 v 9 field to a 11 v 11 field and they are adjusting to playing with 11 boys on the field. They need slack while they figure it all out. 

That night he had a game at the Lakeside Invitational and it was a completely different experience. Al the coach, coached the team but didn't yell or talk down to them. The game ended in a tie and it was like a breath of fresh air. There was a splash pad next to the soccer field. Tag and Sienna enjoyed playing in it during the game and after the game. 

Do you see something wrong with this picture?
Kade wasn't planning on going in the splash pad but he was so hot after his game. He decided to get in too. They had so much fun playing together. We were there for another hour or more. 
Friday there were three games! Two at the Lakeside Invitational and one at the Adidas Cup at night. 
The morning game was hard because the boys were half awake. They lost but they weren't playing their best. The second game that day was fun because they won! 
The game that night was really rough. A storm came through seven minutes into the game and they delayed it for a half hour. Once the game continued it felt like the longest game ever. The coach was so mad he gave up on coaching and just sat on the bench. It was really frustrating.
I thought the sun rays were pretty.

Saturday morning was another 8:00 game. Thankfully the team they played was at good so it was a very easy game. Kade's team won 11-0. They took 2nd place at the Lakeside Invitational. It was a very fun tournament.