Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Random Pictures

Lynnlee did online PE through the summer so she wouldn't have to do it during the school year. She needed to do the Pacer test. Thank goodness I have church keys. We went to the gym and everyone did the Pacer with her. 

Chewie is the best snuggle buddy.
Tag taking a break with his team at practice.
Launching vinegar and baking soda rockets. Lynnlee babysat the Leland boys and it was fun launching rockets with them.
Twins losing the same tooth on the same night.
Sunrise from the Murdock Trail.
Kade keeping Chewie contained when someone was dropping stuff off at my house.

More random pictures...

I needed a picture for my badge. I took this after church.

I worked at a company in Salt Lake and this mannequin was in the room we were screening in. I kept seeing it out of the corner of my eye and jumping. 
Tag saw a classmate with this kind of blender at school lunch. She made a smoothie right there in the lunch room and blended it together. Tag has a lot of money saved up so he bought one and did the same thing that week.