Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Youth Music Festival

The General YW and YM presidencies made a Youth Music Concert. They invited all youth in the church to watch the broadcast. My stake combined with 8 other stakes to show the Festival. It was nice because each stake had an assignment. It was so much easier sharing the load. One stake rented a huge blow up screen and speakers. We bought glow sticks. Some stakes brought games. All of the stakes brought root beer floats and water. 

The first hour was gathering, root beer floats, and games. There was nine square, spike ball and corn hole. 

At 9:00 it was dark. We passed out the glow sticks and started the concert. It was really fun! The youth there seemed to enjoy it.
It was such a pretty night. It all went well and there were no major problems. Each stake brought chaperones too so there was plenty of adults around. 
We took 15 bottles of root beer and 4 buckets of ice cream. There weren't quite as many youth there as we thought so we came home with a lot of root beer and ice cream. We shared it with the wards to use for their week night activities this next week.