Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


San Diego

We decided it would be fun to have a special trip for each of our kids when they turn 16. I got to go on a special trip with my dad growing up and so did my siblings. So it's fun keeping it going. James and Marshall went to San Diego Thursday-Sunday. 

They flew out of Provo bright and early. 

James got to choose what they did. Six Flags isn't the closest to San Diego but definitely closer than Lehi. They drove to Six Flags after flying in. They enjoyed the rides all day. James has been wanting to go to Six Flags for years so I'm really glad he got to go!
Marshall was happy they had turkey legs there. He loves getting a turkey leg from Disneyland. 
Friday they surfed and had a yummy dinner at The Galley which was near where they were staying.

They got ice cream that night at Mootime.
I took these screen shots from Find My to show where they were staying. They stayed on a friend's yacht.

Saturday they went to Torey Pines, hiked, saw the seals on the rocks and explored Old Town San Diego.

They had really yummy sushi that night at Yummy Coronado.

They flew home Sunday morning and got home in time to go to our ward. They had a really great time and made the most of their long weekend there.