Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Summer of Splash Summit

It took a little bit before we could go to Splash Summit for the first time for the summer. Tag's pink eyes healed and we got to go. Finally!

 Here are some pictures of going a few times. We tried going once a week through June.
We made it a few times in July. We love the picnic area!
Rain was in the forecast the last Saturday we could go to Splash Summit. Marshall and the older kids were at ward youth conference all day so the minis and I decided to risk Splash Summit. We had great weather for about 2 hours. Then a thunder storm came through.
We ate our lunch in the truck and waited it out. 
We enjoyed about one more hour before the next storm came in. Then we went home. 

Lynnlee and her friends went on a Friday after school. The weather had a chance of rain but it ended up being perfect. I took them pizza half way through for dinner. I'm so glad there is a Little Caesars so close. They seemed to have a great time and I'm grateful for the tickets from the drawing that made it possible. Lynnlee won ten tickets at the UVHBA summer barbecue!