Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Aquarium on Family Fun Day

It feels like we haven't gotten out as a family since before Christmas. So it was nice to go to the aquarium with my in laws last weekend. First we started out with lunch at Chuck-O-Rama. That place caters to kids and is perfect for my kids picking eating habits.

Sienna and Tag got to sit in high chairs which is a first for them outside our house. They loved them and loved gnawing on the rolls.

After lunch they were ready for a nap while we walked around the aquarium.

It was really really crowded there but we managed to have fun and not lose anyone in the process. Kaden definitely doesn't make it easy to keep track of him. We took turns being on Kaden duty and making sure he run too far away. James and Lynnlee were buddies.

Each kid tried the rope bridge.

We definitely had a good time! The kids were entertained looking at each exhibit and I was entertained watching all my kids.

Every Saturday James is excited for family fun day, that is what we call Saturday at our house. This was definitely a family fun day! Thanks to my in laws and Beckie and Anthony for a fun time!