Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


View on Saturday

I had a cold for two weeks and during that time I developed a sinus infection. This happens with almost every cold I get so I'm getting used to them but this one was worse. The sinus infection was going on a week and a half and the pain in my sinuses kept getting worse. (I know I have a lower tolerance for pain than most but it hurt) On top of that my neck was really sore and hurting so much that the pain would wake me up during the night and it was hard to get comfortable to stay asleep.

Friday night I was so uncomfortable between my neck hurting and my sinus pain. I took some ibuprofen and got relief. Then I told Marshall I was so grateful I wasn't a pioneer because I couldn't live without ibuprofen and other medicine available to keep us comfortable during sickness and pain.

Then I went to sleep and I woke up during the middle of the night with the stomach flu. The ibuprofen wore off and I was in so much pain. I couldn't take more because I couldn't hold it down. It was miserable to say the least.

Saturday morning Marshall and a neighbor gave me a blessing. I was in so much pain and was so tired. Thankfully I was able to get some sleep after that. When I woke up my stomach felt better and I was able to hold some crackers and ibuprofen down. I was able to rest comfortably the rest of the day.

So that was a nice long intro for these pictures. I spent Saturday afternoon laying on the couch watching conference. In between sessions the minis got rides in the dump truck.

Lynnlee gave them rides too.

I had great views from the couch with these cuties. I enjoyed listening to general conference. There are so many uplifting messages. I have already started listening to them again and the ones I missed.

Thanks to Marshall for taking care of everyone so I could recover!