Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Rose's Birthday!

We celebrated May birthdays at my parent's house at the beginning of the month. Lily has a May birthday and her boyfriend also has a May birthday so it was perfect! We had Hawaiian haystacks for dinner and white Texas sheet cake and homemade ice cream for dessert. Normally I have Oreo cheesecake but I wanted to switch it up this year. I was in charge of the ice cream because I love making homemade ice cream. It takes about an hour to make and I totally spaced making when we first got there. My mind was just checked out and enjoying talking to everyone. After dinner I finally realized it and got it going in the ice cream maker. I don't know why I'm so spacey lately.

On my official birthday I started off the day with a six mile run, the normal for a Friday. Then Marshall and the kids made bacon, eggs, toast and orange juice.

It was my final day of work for the season last day so I worked for a few hours to finish up the last medical records. After that wrapped up Marshall and I went shopping to find outfits for family pictures for our trip. It was fun shopping with him because he and I are the same. We don't really like shopping so we get in and out of stores pretty quickly. If we don't see what we are looking for we don't hang around.

We got take out from Chilis for dinner. Probably one of my favorite restaurants. After dinner we packed our car with our suitcases, and all of Chewie's stuff and met up with Beckie in Farmington. We asked her family to watch Chewie while we were out of town and thankfully they agreed. Chewie is not easy and is still in the puppy stage so I was just going to send him to a kennel. In the end it was much easier leaving him with Beckie's family!

We got to the airport extra early so we could park and get checked in without crowds. 


Miranda's family came with us and had the same flights. It was fun traveling with cousins!

We had a lot of pep talks with the kids about all of the travel. We talked about how tired they would be, we got them all neck pillows, and I gave them all melatonin to help them sleep on the flight. They all did great on the flights! 

 It definitely was a unique birthday night.