Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Labor Day

Ali and I started off Labor Day with an open water swim, quick bike ride and mini run. I had new tri shirts I was testing out and she wanted to practice open water swimming.
It was a beautiful morning. It was so fun doing it with her!
Marshall was our support crew on a kayak. Then he joined us for the bike ride.

Later that morning we drove to Syracuse and Antelope Island to check out my race course. It was fun and exciting to see where Ali and I will swim, ride and run!
The swim is at Stillwater, a private reservoir. 
We leave from there on the bike. Ali will bike around Syracuse and I will bike out to Antelope Island, around and back.
We saw a couple of herds of Bison out in the distance while driving around. 
The bike ends and the run starts at Jensen Nature Park. It is a really pretty nature preserve with a pond, walking path and lots of grassy areas. 
My kids had fun climbing this tree.

We had to stop at Zeppe’s before heading home. It was the reward for everyone going with me to check out my race course.
They are 19 months apart and and she’s gaining on him. I have a feeling she will pass him up before he hits his growth spurt.

That night we had dinner at Ali’s. It was fun hanging out with their family!