Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Training: Week 15

Tapering is good and bad. Good because my workouts take less time. Bad because I kind of feel less “in shape.” It’s kind of a lazy feel compared to the harder, longer workouts. In the end though it will be good so I am race ready.

Monday: Bike 20 min, run 7 miles
Tuesday: swim 2 miles, bike 20 miles
Wednesday: bike 15 min, run 6 miles
Thursday: swim 2 miles, bike 8 miles
Friday: bike 10 min, run 6 miles 
Saturday: Swiss Days 10k race (easy pace)

There is a route by my house that I’ve been running for 9 years. This view never gets old. The city plans to turn this into another sports complex. We definitely need more fields for sports so I’m not complaining but I will definitely miss this view once it is developed.