Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Draper Temple

Going to the temple is near the top of my list of things I love. I can still remember my first youth over night trip. We went to a water park in Idaho one night. The next night we stayed at Utah State Univeristy. The plan was to do baptisms for the dead early the next morning at the Logan Temlple. I stayed up too late playing games and accidentally slept in. I was so sad I missed going to the temple. 

With the current Covid restrictions I get really frustrated not being able to go weekly as I did before Covid. It’s also frustrating that I can’t get appointments for James to go. 

Yesterday afternoon I checked the Draper Temple baptism appointments and an opening for James at 9:00. He was ok with missing school so we reserved it. This was a tender mercy after feeling so frustrated yesterday morning about not being able to get an appointment.
