Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Primary Program

We had our annual primary program. The kids memorized their parts and sang the songs, basically did what they were suppose to. Really all of the kids in the primary did a great job. It was a really great sacrament meeting.

After church I asked them to stand on the porch for a quick pic. Man, it was rough and you would have thought I asked them to stand up and listen to a poetry reading for an hour. It’s hard to understand as a kid that the faster you cooperate, the sooner you are done.

Then I asked them to do a big group hug and that was asking too much. Lynnlee left, I don’t know what Kade was doing and Sienna was basically the only one following directions.
Lynnlee came back but this was the best I could get for a group hug.
This is real life. Kids being kids and life not being as polished as it may look or seem.