Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Racquetball Court

The driving force behind building our new house was the racquetball court. So I thought I’d do a post about that.

The court is part of our unfinished basement. Hopefully we will be finishing the court soon! 

The court is on the side of the house and you enter in the basement and you can look in the court from windows in the family room. The windows are tempered glass.
(The lights are off in the court so the windows are dark) I love knowing what’s going on in the court and being able to talk to who is in there.

This is what the court looks like for now. It is great for dodge ball, pickle ball, spike ball, wall ball and riding around on a scooter. It will only get better when it’s finished. Soccer, basketball and of course racquetball will be so fun!!

This is a view of the windows looking down to the court.