Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Ski Day

The minis and Kade get 5 days at Park City with the Epic School Kids pass. James has the IKON pass with his fiends. Marshall and I decided to get some passes so Lynnlee, Marshall and I could go with the minis to Park City. It is my most favorite resort. 
Today was our first day going for the season. The weather was awesome! No one was cold and the snow wasn’t slushy but also not icy.
Getting everything packed up for skiing is a lot of work. Getting everyone’s gear on is madness and all the kids are whining and complaining about now everything feels and every little discomfort. We see everyone’s worst side while at the car getting ready. 
Then we get in the lift and everything is good again. Everyone is happy and life couldn’t get any better.
Everyone was in their comfort zone going down the east green runs. Then we took them down a blue and the minis were terrified. It was rough. 
I took them back to the bunny hill and they were good again. Marshall took Lynnlee and Kade on the blue runs.