Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Cousin's Bake Sale

For the past few years we were really lucky to have all of our cousins in town the same time or overlapping. This year it didn't work out with schedules. So I think we will be doing two of everything so we can do it with both cousins families. 

Cousin's bake sale part 1 was a huge success! We had homemade peanut butter bars, swig sugar cookies, homemade suckers, muddy buddies, fruity pebble treats, cocoa pebble treats and pink lemonade. Their talent show shirts were the perfect thing for them to match and look official.

 While we were there we talked about how far we've come with our "candy stand." The very first lemonade stand was very simple with just lemonade. Then one year I bought candy and capri suns because I was drowning in babies and didn't not have time to bake. No one wanted to buy store bought candy and it was not successful. Three years ago I upped our game and started baking the swig cookies and peanut butter bars.

This year was our best one yet with all of the homemade yummy sweets. We are planning to have another one in July when Katie's family is in town.