Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Lynnlee's Braces

We didn't think Lynnlee would need braces. She has so much space for all of her teeth and they are straight. The problem is all of her adult teeth grew in and she still had plenty of space....too much space. At her last dental check up the dentist told her that all of her adult teeth were in that would be growing in and so it was time for braces. 

I figured she would only need braces for six months because I thought it would be fast to close up the spaces. I was so wrong. Lynnlee is missing three adult teeth. Her baby teeth aren't great candidates for adult teeth. Dental implants are an option down the road but no guarantees with that and also mega expensive! We decided to go with what the ortho and dentist recommended and that is pulling out her baby teeth (of the missing adult teeth) and closing all of the gaps. We feel good about this but it takes a lot of time to close so much space. She will have braces for thirty months!!!