Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Multi Stake Dance: Western Style

 My presidency was in charge of a multi stake dance. It was held at the rodeo grounds. It was a big deal, with lots of planning and lots of stress. The stake youth leadership committee planned it but we helped execute the details. The other part was making sure what happened at the last multi stake dance, didn't happen at this multi stake dance. The last multi stake dance had to be shut down early because of youth throwing things at the DJ, vandalizing the church, throwing things at cars, etc. It would have been prevented with more chaperones. We wanted to have more than enough chaperones. Each youth on the SYLC had to provide two chaperones from their ward. Not everyone came through but we did have enough with those who were able to find chaperones. It was a busy holiday weekend so it made sense that it was hard to find volunteers. 

The dance was a huge success! We expected 300 youth and we had over 700 youth!!! Our DJ was amazing! He helped make it so great. He has lots of experience from BYU dances. He was perfect! 
A couple of us had headsets on so we could communicate and prevent problems. I felt so official and cool!
The night couldn't have gone better. We had nine square and corn hole set up, a shaved ice truck, plenty of water ( it was a hot night!), and roped off half of the arena to keep kids together.

Marshall was at Wind Rivers with Kade and James. Huge thanks to Betsy for taking Tag and Sienna. Lynnlee got to go to the dance with friends. It was a busy day getting ready and a very long night. I got homr around midnight and had to work on a talk I was giving in church the next day. 

One other thing I did that I want to take note so I remember to do this in the future: I made a little thank you bag for the chaperones with treats and a granola bar for them to snack on through the night. I also had a cooler of water bottles and we took water around to all of them all night long to make sure they stayed hydrated.