Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Taggart's and Sienna's Birthdays

 Tag and Sienna had a really fun birthday week! We had friend parties on the day before their birthday. Sienna wanted a barbie cake and so Lynnlee made won. Lynnlee loves baking and I'm happy to let Lynnlee help. Tag wanted chocolate cookies instead of cake. He was so cute and funny about it because we don't normally have chocolate cookies so we wanted to make sure we made the thing he was envisioning. Lynnlee did a great job finding a recipe online and they turned out so chewie and delicious. They were chocolate chocolate chip. 

Their birthday started off with presents. Tag wanted a scavenger hunt so he got one all over the house. 

I really wanted to go to Lagoon with Ali's family but Taggart had a soccer game. So he and I went to his game and everyone else went to Lagoon. Thankfully Taggart said he was ok with it. His team won so that was exciting. 

Sienna is a very bubbly and happy nine-year-old. She's very out going and doesn't have any trouble making friends and talking to others. She's very vocal and has a nice loud voice. Sometimes when I need to get everyone's attention in a group I have Sienna help me with her loud voice. Sienna loves dolls and barbies. She's very good at playing pretend. She loves mac and cheese or buttered and cheese pasta. She loves soccer and dancing around at home for fun. She is brave at Lagoon and will go on any ride but she's more timid at the water park and avoids the tallest body slides. She loves animals. She loves writing her name on our ward program where all of the missionaries serving are listed. She writes her name on it and also write Japan, Osaka Mission. Her cousin London just moved here and Sienna is elated to have a cousin buddy living close. She soaks up every chance possible to play with London.

Taggart is an active and energetic nine-year-old. He loves all sports and riding scooters, bikes, ripsticks, and rollerblades. He especially loves soccer. He has a lot of friends and had so much fun with all of them at his friend party. He is a little more quiet and reserved but is just as chatty at home as all of his siblings. He enjoys reading in bed and sleeping in. He's up for eating most anything. He enjoys going to church and is a good example to his friends. 
That night we all went out for dinner to celebrate Kade, Tag and Sienna. We went to Texas Roadhouse which is a family favorite.