Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Pioneer Day

Pioneer Day was very different this year. Marshall, James and Kade were at Wind Rivers. Lynnlee was at Oakcrest. That left Tag, Sienna and me. Thankfully my neighborhood planned a really fun day and night with a water bounce house, pot luck dinner and fireworks. It was just very lonely for me. Tag and Sienna had fun with all of the kids.

We set up the water bounce house in our backyard. It made it nice so Tag and Sienna could enjoy it as much as they wanted. If neighbors brought their kids over then I sat outside and visited. If no one was over then I got stuff done inside. 

From 5:00-7:00 it got really hopping in our back yard. A lot of families came to enjoy the bounce house. It was quite the party! I got to meet a lot of new families who have moved in to the Arive Homes behind my old house. 
The breaker started to trip from the bounce house fans being too much for the outlet. Of course this did not happen when Marshall was home and we had a bounce house for all of the July birthday parties. It had to wait until it was just me and tested what I knew and could do to fix it so the party could go on. Thankfully I was able to plug each fan into a different outlet and the problem was solved.

Dinner was at 7:00 so everyone left the bounce house and went across the street to the Berry's. I cleaned the whole bounce house by myself. Drained the water, dried and cleaned off grass. Cleaned up all of the toys. It was an exhausting night. I got the whole thing folded and ready to be loaded. When the fireworks were over I had some help from two neighbors to load it in my car. Tag and Sienna had fun with friends the whole time and I was on my own cleaning up, I didn't get to enjoy the pot luck dinner across the street. I didn't want kids to go back and get toys back out, play on the bounce house while I was trying to dry it. I saw a few fireworks at the end but I cleaned up for most of the show. It took a long time to fold and wrap up the bounce house that weighed a few hundred pounds.

Tag and Sienna came back in when the fireworks ended. They had a great Pioneer Day.