Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Idaho Falls

We spent the weekend in Idaho Falls. We attended a funeral and celebration of life for my good friend's husband. It's hard when a person passes away at such a young age and unexpectedly. I'm so grateful for the Plan of Salvation and eternal families! There was an amazing feeling of peace and comfort at his funeral. My heart has been broken since finding out this sad news but I've been so grateful to feel peace knowing Heavenly Father is watching over his family. My friend has been so strong through this trial and she is an amazing example!

Saturday we had a picnic before priesthood meeting at a park near the falls. The falls are so beautiful and we were hoping to get some fun pictures with the kids but they weren't in the mood for pictures.
While Marshall was at Priesthood meeting I pushed James and Lynnlee in the stroller on a path around the falls. It was so beautiful. James loved feeding the geese.

James and Lynnlee were really good on the trip.

James brought some toys and had fun playing in the hotel room.

We headed back home this afternoon. James and Lynnlee slept most the way home. We enjoyed listening to conference. I thought the talks were great!