Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Post-Op Day 3

We had so much fun with Lynnlee today. She was more like herself. She was smiling, laughing and playing with toys. She's even sitting up better than before her surgery. Who would have thought she would have enough strength for that?! I just love her so much. She's one tough cookie.

She is still in the CICU. She will have an echocardiogram tomorrow (Monday) morning and then she will move to the surgical floor, hopefully!

My parents brought James to see Lynnlee. He was so excited to see her and us. He sat in her crib with her and played with toys. Lynnlee was happy to see him too.

We wanted to give James some one-on-one time so my parents stayed with Lynnlee and we took James for a walk. James asked where Lynnlee was a couple of times. It's cute to see that he knows who she is and wants her around.