Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Post Op- Day 1

We spent yesterday afternoon with Lynnlee in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU). She was on the ventilator and connected to lots of IVs, chest tubes, foley catheter, monitors, etc. They told us she had been doing a lot of breathing on her own so they wanted to take her off the ventilator. They just wanted her to wake up a little more before taking her off. We were going to stay there late so we could be there when they took her off but we were so tired. All the stress had caught up with me and so I just wanted to get some sleep. The nurses and doctors take such great care of her that I knew I didn't have to worry if I left. My Aunt is letting us stay at her house (She's only a few minutes away!) so we left a little earlier than planned and were able to get a good sleep! The hospital called and woke us at 11:00 last night and said she was off the ventilator and breathing on her own. We were happy to hear the good news, even if it meant waking us up.

Today she is doing just as well. They have taken out some of her IVs and her foley catheter. They are still keeping her mildly sedated so she doesn't try ripping out any other tubes. She seems very comfortable.

She doesn't get to eat yet but hopefully soon. She's on a high amount of oxygen. Once she is weaned to a lower amount they will let her eat.

Thank you for your prayers. All the doctors tell us they are impressed with how well she is doing. We know it is because of everyone's prayers!