Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Heart to Heart

Saturday I had the opportunity to attend a luncheon for heart moms. Intermountain Healing Hearts holds this every year and it's always a really neat event. It's fun to get together with other moms who have a child with various heart conditions. Even if they are different conditions, we can all relate to similar experiences. I'm always nervous to go but then I leave being so grateful that I went. This year was amazing. We had a delicious lunch at the Sky Room at BYU and then watched a short slide show of all of the heart kiddos. It was a tear jerker to watch. It's amazing how many kids out there have heart defects. There wasn't a dry eye in the room. Then Hilary Weeks spoke/sang to us. She is so talented, funny and uplifting. She had a wonderful message of hope and God's love for all of us no matter what we are going through. She talked about how our trials shape us and make us who we are. It was really inspiring.
We got a picture of everyone and so it's like a Where's Waldo to find me in the picture.

Also this week, Lynnlee had her annual heart check up. It's amazing with all that she has been through that she only needs a check up once a year. When she was first born I dreamed of this day and now we are here and sailing through. It's always nerve wracking in the days leading up to the appointment. I worry that we will get bad news or they will find something wrong or something along those lines. She started off with an echocardiogram. It takes about an hour and requires her to hold completely still. She did great! Then she had an EKG and her cardiologist examined her. Everything looked great and Dr. Everitt had no concerns. It is a relief to walk away with good news. Here's to another great year for Lynnlee!