Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Minis Week in Heber

When we planned our family vacation for the year we had planned on taking the minis. We knew it would be tons of work and less relaxing but we wanted it to be our whole family. We booked our tickets for Disneyland and then a week later we read in the news about the measles outbreak. I thought it would get better before our trip but the outbreak got worse. I couldn't risk taking them and getting them sick.

My parents offered to watch them so we could still go. I was so grateful because I knew they would be in good hands. It was hard to leave them. They aren't attached to us yet so that helped and they are pretty happy and easy going babies now. We left them at my parent's a week ago.

We took their high chairs, saucers and bumbo chairs to my parent's house so they would have everything they needed to take care of them. They sent us pictures every day so that was always fun to look forward to.

They even took couch pictures on Sunday.

They took the minis to visit my grandma.

We returned home yesterday afternoon. It was so good to see them when we got back. Tag kept smiling and laughing every time we talked. Sienna looked confused at first and wouldn't crack a smile. Then she started to smile when we talked to her. Both the minis kept smiling really big at James, Lynnlee and Kaden as they played together. It was really fun so see everyone so excited to see each other.

Thanks mom and dad!!!