Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


President's Day

President's Day started out with a pajama morning. It was a nice break not having anywhere to be.

James loves to help out with Taggart. He has been helping by carrying him places for me since it's getting hard for me to carry them both at the same time.

The three older kept piling stuffed animals around Sienna. She loved it.

In the afternoon they all wanted hats so I found a hat for everyone but Sienna.

I'm not sure what pose Kaden is doing in this picture. He is such a funny kid. When he is looking for James and Lynnlee he says, "Where is them?" or he asks, "What's happening?" Then my favorite is that he and Lynnlee love saying the word "parallelogram." They repeat it over and over all day every day because they think it is so fun to say.

James doesn't get into very many pictures since he is gone to school all day normally. So I have been trying to take more pictures of him when he's home.

That afternoon we were rear ended as we were leaving to go to Salt Lake. Thankfully no one was hurt and our car wasn't damaged. After being delayed by that, we made it to Salt Lake and visited my Grandma Jarvis who goes by Granny J. I have been horrible at visiting her since she has been in assisted living and now a nursing home. When I worked in a nursing home in high school I was always surprised by the lack of visitors. I wondered how someone could put a loved one there and then not visit. I understand a lot better now that I have a family, work and lots of additional things occupying my time. Although my granny is a lucky one because she does get lots of visitors between my parents and aunts going every week. My parents were there when we went so they helped keep my kids entertained. They haven't been to a nursing home so they were pretty shy and stood back. My dad played the accordion for Granny J. She was resting in bed so I didn't get a picture of her but I borrowed this picture from my aunt. 

After our visit, we went to City Creek for dinner and my kids to play at the kid corner. These three are buddies and it is so much fun! They are so cute to see how they take care of each other.

The minis were happy in the high chairs and in a few months will soon be playing in the kid corner with the others.

It's not family night without a treat so we went to Farr's after. Kaden was Betsy's buddy.
I sure love Aunt Betsy and Kaden. Aunt Betsy is so great with all my kids!