Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Arsenal Soccer

Fall soccer was rough for James's team this year but at least they ended with a win. 

From the start of this year of soccer James has learned a lot. He made the team in June and got a new coach. The new coach said there would be a tournament in February that required Sunday play. James decided he wanted to always keep the Sabbath day holy so he wouldn't play Sunday and he told his coach that he would not be playing. Even though the tournament was months away we wanted to be upfront. The coach was not happy and told James he couldn't be on the team. We told the other parents that James wouldn't be playing on Sundays and if that meant not being on the team then we wanted them to know why. Thankfully other parents stood with us and because enough said they would rather not play on Sunday the coach decided to change to a different tournament that wouldn't be over a Sunday. Way to be an example of the believers James!