Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Cleaning Up, Meadow Hot Pots, and Iceberg

On Halloween day anyone who wanted something from my aunt Pat's house was invited to come over. From that point I began helping my aunt Kathy clean out aunt Pat's home. We loaded a trailer and Marshall delivered larger items to family who needed help with transporting them to their houses. Then Monday-Friday I went to her house at least once a day and sometimes twice a day clean up. Marshall was so helpful to come on some lunch breaks and help me lift heavier and larger items. Thursday I was there for five hours while people came and picked up furniture. 

Sienna enjoying the rocks in the flower garden with my cousins's kids. She's never met them. They had fun playing together. I took this picture so I could remember this part of aunt Pat's house. My kids loved playing the ground is lava and hopping from rock to rock.


I have a cousin in St. George who wanted one of the beds and some other pieces of furniture. I decided the best way to get it to her would be to meet half way. She agreed to meet us in Meadow on Friday night. To make it more exciting for my kids we decided to go to the hot pots. We went an hour early so we could swim in the daylight. Marshall and I had gone before and they were fun and the water was clear. We really talked them up to our kids.

Well, we got there and the first one we went to was luke warm, then the second one was luke warm, and finally the last one was a little warmer but definitely not like a hot tub. It was so disappointing. I didn't get in and took Chewie for a walk to each one instead.

Marshall and the kids made the most of it. James and Lynnlee were disappointed. Kaden and Taggart had fun diving down and looking through the clear water with the snorkels.

Then we met up with my cousin and her husband. Got the load all secured in and on their van. 

All was made right for me when we went to dinner at Iceberg in Fillmore. Yum!

Saturday we met back up at aunt Pat's and finished cleaning up the last few things. I am grateful for the opportunity I had to serve aunt Pat one last time. She did so much for me and I will forever be grateful! I will miss going to her house on Dover Drive.