Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Girls Camp

This week was girls camp. Our ward didn't go to the stake camp with the other wards from our stake and instead chose to do camp around Lehi. It was nice sleeping at home every night. It also allowed for more girls flexibility around work schedules, band practices, and sport practices. 
The first day we went to the park across from the temple and painted water colors of the temple. I'm on the left side, middle row, third from the end. Then we went back to the church and watched Walk, Ride, Rodeo. It was a very inspiring movie. Makes me want to work hard at the things I'm involved with.
The second day was a pool day. This awesome pool is one of the leader's brother's pool. I helped give rides but didn't stay. My kids needed me at home that day.
I went back later that day for dinner, games, etc. There was a beautiful sky that night.

The last day we colored our camp shirts, bowled, and raced an Amazing Race. It was a long but fun day. The heat was killer but we all survived. We ended with dinner, games and a devotional. Hopefully it was a fun week for the girls.