Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Training: Week 2

Week 2 consisted of doubling up on workouts. On swim days I swam then biked. On running days I biked then ran. I ended the week with another practice triathlon on Saturday. I swam one mile, biked 20 miles and ran 6 miles. This is close to the same as the Olympic length. When I first looked at triathlons I knew I wanted to do the Brineman and thought I would do the Olympic distance. After training this week I am now planning on the long course/half Ironman. I have all summer to build up my miles for biking and running. It will be a challenge and push me but I'm excited to have something to train for. The actual race takes six hours on average. Hopefully over the summer I can build up to that intensity.

View from the Lehi Rail Trail