Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Pool Hoppin’

We went to three different pools in 3 days. We started with Provo Rec on Wednesday. We are trying to squeeze in all the water/summer stuff we can before summer ends. 
The minis no longer need me to help them on everything so I enjoyed a little freedom and downtime in the shade. 

We met up with Penny’s family Thursday at Splash Summit. Everyone had a buddy and Penny and I could catch up. We got to choose which rides. I’m really enjoying this new phase of life and the minis independence at pools.

Friday we went to the Lindon pool with Drew. His orthodontist had a party there. Ali, Dan and Katelyn couldn’t make it so they got tickets for us to go. I thought for sure we would get rained out but it only sprinkled for a second. I love the Lindon pool because they have a hot tub and kids can sit in it. It was so nice to warm up thought out the night and have the kids be able to also.