Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Training: Week 8

I wasn’t planning on brick training today since we were suppose to be in Boise. So my training during the week was planned around that. I rode 50 miles and ran 2 on Monday. Tuesday I swam 2 and biked 10. Wednesday I biked 10 and ran 6. Thursday I swam 2 miles with speed workouts and biked 10. Friday I biked and then ran 7. I thought Saturday would be an easy long run. Then we didn’t go to Boise and I decided I should brick train since next Saturday we have plans.
So I got up early and rode to the pool. The swim went well. It always flys by. I really need to practice open water but all of the ponds around here have parasites and swimming is not recommended.

I now have biking shoes and clip in pedals thanks to Marshall for helping me become more official. I biked 49 miles and my new shoes felt great. I was a little nervous I would forget my feet were clipped in and fall over. For today though I had no problems. 

The run was hot. I took it slow. One step at a time. I ran to the Saratoga Springs temple (sort of, across Redwood by it) I was thankful for the drinking fountain along the Jordan River trail so I could refill my water bottles. 

Swim: 1.2 miles
Bike: 49 miles
Run: 10 miles

It was a hard week of training but so good. I’m feeling stronger and more conditioned. 