Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Training: Week 9

Monday: run 6
Tuesday: swim 2, bike 10
Wednesday: walk 3, run hills 6
Thursday: swim 2, bike 34
Friday: run 6
Saturday: run 12.77


This week was a recovery week. Less brick training. 

I’ve been trying to train myself to eat before long runs. Lack of nutrition is always my number one down fall with all of my marathons. Since I have to eat through the triathlon I’m hoping to get used to eating for long runs. On my Saturday brick trainings I’ve eaten a squeeze applesauce pouch during my bike ride and felt great. No digestive issues. This morning I ate one before my run and it was bad. I definitely need to figure out a better pre-run food. 
My run today took me to Art Dye park in AF. I loved the route. Some nice gradual ups and downs, not too busy of streets but busy enough.  Cooler temps in the low parts, and a bathroom half way.
