Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Betsy's Birthday

 Betsy's birthday was plan changed after Uncle Ken passed away unexpectedly. We were sad to hear the news. He got an infection and fluid in his brain randomly and then couldn't recover. 

The morning of Betsy's birthday was spent at the viewing and funeral for Uncle Ken. The services were very nice and it was good to see extended family. 

We went to Nielson's Frozen Custard after for lunch.

After lunch Ali had the great idea to take Betsy out for pedis and dinner. It was so fun spending the afternoon with Betsy and Ali. I'm glad we got to do something fun for Betsy on her birthday after all. 

We told the workers it was Betsy's birthday and they came out at the end and sang to her. It was very fun!
We went to our favorite Greek restaurant for an early dinner. Yum! It was a lot of fun celebrating Betsy! Hopefully we will get to go to the Provo Pool still sometime this summer.